StyleX – Styling system from Facebook team

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StyleX – Styling system from Facebook team

StyleX – a new styling system from the Facebook team (CSS-in-JS) 🚀 Tailwind CSS has almost dominated for the past few years. Good news (or maybe sad) for frontend developers is that Facebook has now open-sourced its styling system and released it under the MIT license ❤️

StyleX is a simple, easy to use JavaScript syntax and compiler for styling web apps. it combines the strengths and avoids the weaknesses of both inline styles and static CSS. Defining and using styles requires only local knowledge within a component, and avoids specificity issues while retaining features like Media Queries. StyleX builds optimized styles using collision-free atomic CSS which is superior to what could be authored and maintained by hand.

This styling system is currently used for Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Thread. It’s called StyleX ❤️ For those interested, you can read more about it at the link 👉

P/s: Tailwind CSS focuses on applications with and without JS, while StyleX, being a CSS-in-JS type, has been popular in the ReactJS community for a long time.



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